In 2008 was recorded a live concert featuring Yamandú Costa and Hamilton de Holanda from a performance at the Auditório Ibirapuera in São Paulo. The live recording has now been released on a cd, 'Luz da Aurora', through the Som Livre/Atracao company. I have not heard the cd yet, but judging from previews and already published reviews in Brazil it is worth waiting for in this part of the world. Contents of the disc according to the Discos do Brasil web service is to be reached here. The disc can be obtained from online retailers in Brazil, a good service is provided here.
The release of the 'Luz da Aurora' cd was covered by the TV Estadão, SP, through an interview with Yamandú and Hamilton. During the interview the duo played a couple of the tunes available on the cd. Both the interview (- in Portuguese, of course) and the recorded music has been uploaded at YouTube. Below I insert the two videos featuring Yamandú and Hamilton performing, here is their version of 'Samba do Véio', a composition by the duo - enjoy!
The other video features a version of 'Samba pro Rapha', a composition by Yamandú Costa excellently performed here by the duo at TV Estadão