In September 2000, president Fernando Henrique Carsoso signed an official document to announce 23 April the National Day of Choro in Brazil in honor of Alfredo da Rocha Vianna Filho, Pixinguinha, who was born 23 April 1897. Every year since then choro has been celebrated officially on the 23th of April through countless events in Brazil and around the world where Brasilian culture is a part of the local community. Let's follow this tradition and celebrate the day by playing some choro music. - I insert three video performances below to relive the spirit of Pixinguinha and his musical legacy to the world.
At a private roda de chora Conjunto Som Brasileiro performs "Naquele Tempo"
From at concert in Rio de Janeiro here is a performance of Pixinguinha's "Cochichando" featuring David Ganc & Márío Sève on tenor and alto saxophone
Finally, from another live concert, Alessandro Penezzi (g) & Sérgio Napoleão Belluco (fl) with members of Conjunto Som Brasileiro perform "Um a Zero"