Up till now 4 of the articles have been translated into English with carefully researched details and available audio by Alexandre Dias, a first rate pianist and music researcher, who also maintains the official website of Ernesto Nazareth, 'Rei do Choro'
I recommend a visit at both Sovaco de Cobra and Alexandre Dias' website, if you like to learn more, just follow the links.

Mentioning Sovaco de Cobra I also want to point to the published excellent series of articles on music compositions by Garoto, 'O cancioneiro de Garoto' from the research of Jorge Mello. Earlier Zé Carlos has mentioned that this series, which have already reached more than 20 entries, will be available in English later. Each article has audio example of the music discussed and is defenitly worth consulting for further details regarding Garoto's legacy.
This week Brazil is celebrating carnaval with a lot of official festives. Although choro is not designated for carnaval, this musical idiom, however, has contributed with a composition that probably will be performed during carnaval. I refer to 'Brasileirinho' by Waldir Azevedo, which seems to capture the spirit of Brazil's carnaval, at least this is my impression from viewing a performance of the tune uploaded at YouTube featuring vocalist Alcione accompanied by well known stars of choro: Waldir Azevedo (cavaquinho), Déo Rian (bandolim), Abel Ferreira (cl), Altamiro Carrilho (flute) and Waltel Branco (violão). - Let's celebrate carnaval and choro, enjoy this rendition of 'Brasileirinho'