To earn his living and support his family, Nazareth had to work as a house-pianist at a shop selling music scores, his task was to play music pieces to be sold demonstrating for the potential buyer how it should be played. Sometimes he would argue with customers about the performance of his own pieces. Around 1924 he got a job at the prestigious cinema of Rio de Jainero, the'Odeon' (see picture above), where he was hired to play at the waiting room for spectators before and during intermission of film performances. Spectators came one hour earlier in order to listen to him, and it was during this period he composed his piece 'Odeon' - designated with the term 'Brazilian tango' and instantly popular with the visiting public of the cinema. The composition soon became popular with choro musians and still belongs to the 'standard' repertoire of many choro groups and performers.
I found a couple of video performances of 'Odeon' I like to share with visitors of this blog. The first is a short sequence featuring Radamés Gnattali performing the first and secound part of the composition on solo piano - the fragment is from a TV homage to Gnattali headed by Tom Jobim, who introduces the sequence. I think the clip also shows the continuity of music tradition in Brazil, anyway, enjoy maestro Gnattali here: