This time of the year record retailers and online-stores offering cds/music for sale are busy handling orders from people to be supplied before the Christmas holidays later this month. This often means that you have to be a patient customer to have your ordered items, I know the situation, as I have been waiting for some time to have a couple of interesting items for my collection of choro, not yet received.
Recently I read a small preview of a double disc, 'Uma História do Choro', released by the Deckdisc label late October. According to the info available this two cds are a result of a project initiated by Henrique Cazes, cavaquinho virtuoso and choro historian. The aim of this project has been to relive the story of choro through 28 recordings of examples of notable choro composers by contemporary musicians excelling their skills in the choro genre. Learn more about the item by clicking the picture.
Another item that has caught my interest is a recently published Songbook, 'Choro volume 1', by journalist Sérgio Cabral and the composer and musician Mário Séve, containing 97 choros in written music and accompanying text. The book is published by Lumiar and definitely may be a crucial item to add to your collection of choro, if you like to play choro yourself. Learn more about the contents by clicking the picture.
If this small pre-view of the two mentioned items has caught your interest, both items are available through the online facility of Samba Store
Searching YouTube for examples of choro or related performed on solo guitar, I found a video I like to share this time to fill in the interregnum between news at this blog spot. The video is uploaded by an American - an accomplished guitarist, who has his contribution uploaded under the name of troubleclef. - Enjoy troubleclef's rendition of "Aristocrática" (Schottisch-Choro). Music by Paulo Bellinati