On October the 20th, César Faria (Benedito César Ramos de Faria) - one of the most important figures in the choro revival of Brazil, violonista and founder of the Época de Ouro ensemble - passed away, 88 years old. César Faria started as a professional musician at age 17 playing the 6 string acoustic guitar. He joined Jacob do Bandolim in 1939 and later founded the Época de Ouro ensemble in the early 1960s to accompany do Bandolim until his demise in 1969. Época de Ouro dissolved after Jacob do Bandolim's demise, but was reassembled in 1973 by César Faria. Época de Ouro played an important role as a catalyst of the tradition during the choro revival of the 1970s. The group was reorganized with new members several times and has continued performing ever since. As a musician César Faria had a lasting impact on the way the six string guitar participates in a choro ensemble to the benefit of the overall musical expression.
César Faria was the father of Paulinho da Viola and the grandfather of João Rabello.
In memory of César Faria the Choro Music blog wants to share two video-performances featuring Época de Ouro, inserted below.
The first video features singer Marisa Monte performing "DANÇA DA SOLIDÃO" by Paulinho da Viola together with Época de Ouro:
The secound video features Época de Ouro playing "Noites Cariocas" by Jacob do Bandolim