In 1980 bandolinist Déo Rian (b 1944) released a LP album featuring 12 unpublished compositions by Jacob do Bandolim, "Inéditos de Jacob do Bandolim" (Eldorado, 31.80.0360) arranged for his choro ensemble, Conjunto Noites Cariocas. Just recently Déo Rian has released a volume 2 of hitherto unpublished compositions by Jacob do Bandolim on the Rob Digital label.
Déo Rian is accompanied by a new Conjunto Noites Cariocas: André Bellieny (violão de 7 cordas); Márcio Almeida (violão de 6 cordas); Ubyratan de Oliveira (cavaquinho); Darly Guimarães (pandeiro). Some tracks have guest performance by Aline Silveira (flauta), Bruno Rian (bandolim), Dirceu Leite (flauta & sax tenor) & Quarteto de Cordas: Felipe Prazeres/Pedro Mibielli/Ivan Zandonade/Marcus Ribeiro. Among the arrangers are Cristovão Bastos, Mauricio Carrilho, and Luiz Otávio Braga. The material used for the cd has been archieved at the Instituto Jacob do Bandolim and it contains 14 previously unpublished compositions including 4 pieces, which were recorded on volume 1 also. Tracklist inserted below:
1 - Sapeca Iaiá 2 - Novos Tempos 3 - Maroto 4 - Para Eu Der Feliz 5 - Maxixe na Tuba 6 - Sereno 7 - Primavera 8 - Velhos Amigos 9 - Adylia 10 - Lembranças 11 - Já que não Toco Violão 12 - Bisbilhoteiro 13 - Preciosa 14 - Saltitante
As mentioned above, the unpublished material used for the cd has been archieved at the Instituto Jacob do Bandolim. This institution has also more material regarding the biography and musical legacy of Jacob do Bandolim and does a great work to research and keep the interest of Jacob do Bandolim alive. On YouTube I found a contribution from the Instituto Jacob do Bandolim featuring a short filmed sequence where you can watch Jacob interviewed by a journalist - the only fragment known to exist of Jacob on screen, inserted below