Grupo Nosso Choro is a choro ensemble from São Paulo, Brazil. The group was established 1986 and is led by Milton de Mori (b 1965), arranger, composer, bandolinist and multi-string player. The remaining members of Nosso Choro on the shown cd are Stanley Jorge L. de Carvalho (cl), José A. Roberto da Silva (Zé Barbeiro) (violão 7 cordas), Marco Antônio Bertaglia (violão 6 cordas), João Wertchko (Joãozinho) (cavaquinho), Marcello Gallani (pandeiro, percussão). Nosso Choro has released two cds up till now, the first in 1998 and the secound in 2005, the latter shown above and issued by Kuarup records (KCD 170).

The title of the cd says it all - this is first class choro performed by very skilled musicians, highly recomended to enjoy during your summer holidays or whenever you need to have a musical break! The repertoire of the cd is a mixture of compositions by classic choro composers like Chiquinha Gonzaga ("Saõ Paulo"), Anacleto de Medeiros ("Lídia"), Garoto ("Tristeza de um violão"), Ernesto Nazareth ("Sarambeque"), Dilermando Reis ("Divagando"), Pixinguinha ("A vida é um buraco"), Jacob do Bandolim ("Meu segredo") a.o.. A couple of compositions by Milto de Mori are included, too. Among these a tribute to the partnership of Pixinguinha and Benedito Lacerda, "Relembrando Pixinguinha e Benedito Lacerda". I found a performance of this composition on YouTube from a TV-show - here it is Choro das Trés playing, however, Milton de Mori is the cavaquinho player.
Enjoy Choro das Trés performing "Relembrando Pixinguinha e Benedito Lacerda" by Milton de Mori