To Share Joy And Happiness

"Celebrated on 8 March, International Women's Day (IWD) is the global day connecting all women around the world and inspiring them to achieve their full potential. IWD celebrates the collective power of women past, present and future ...". Quoted from the official web devoted to IWD events around the world, learn more clicking on the shown logo.
To celebrate IWD at our blogspot, I have found three video fragments featuring accomplished female performers devoting their skills and chops to spread joy and happiness performing choro.
Enjoy a performance of "Cinco Companheiros" (= "Five Friends") a choro by Pixinguinha, in the Escola Portátil de Música - EPM,in Rio de Janeiro.

Enjoy also the group Choro das Tres celebrating National choro day (23. April, 2006) in a performance of "Brejeiro" by Ernesto Nazareth.

During a workshop featuring the famous Época de Ouro in 2002 the young bandolim player of Chora das Tres, Elisa (-then just 9 years old), had an opportunity to perform together with the stars of the choro tradition. Enjoy also this video fragment
