True Love!

Today a great part of the Western world is celebrating Valentine's Day - an American tradition spread around the Western society due to commercial interests, of course. So far I know, the aim of Valentine's Day is to celebrate true love - remember to forward your sweetheart a box of chocolates and a bunch of flowers, then the social bond has been confirmed and tightened between you. The flowers and chocolates are to be viewed as a materialized sign of true love - and that's the point for commercial interests to consider how to get money out of people's pockets, that's part of the game in Western society. However, there are other ways to view examples of true love as a founding element for a social bond between humans. I found a couple of performances of choro on YouTube that express true love, at least this is my humble opinion.
Enjoy an accomplished amateur guitarist displaying true love to music and his instrument in a performance of 'Choro Triste' by Aimoré:

Enjoy also a gathering of an accomplished young bandolim player with a group of elderly musicians in a true social event at a rhoda de choro in Rio's famous "O Bandolim de Ouro"

I wish you all a happy Valentine's Day.