Isaías e seus Chorões

Isaías e seus Chorões of São Paulo first appeared in 1970. The group was formed by two brothers, Isaías Bueno de Almeida (b 1937) and Israel Bueno de Almeida (b 1943) . Isaías took to the bandolim as a self-taught student at age ten, and soon became a member of a regional. Israel started in music a little after his brother, taking to the cavaquinho and later violão 7 cordas. The two brothers started to play together in amateur shows in 1953, but soon was professionally involved with the music scene.

As a Jacob do Bandolim protégé, Isaías had the necessary attention to develop his artistry, becoming the most important bandolinist of São Paulo. At the same time, he had to fight Jacob do Bandolim's authoritarian character, as do Bandolim was expressly adverse to improvisation in choro, and Isaías was an enthusiast of that musical expression. By his turn, Israel developed interests in different genres like jazz and bossa nova, the result of which shows underneath his elaborate harmonic accompaniments, not common in traditional choro.

They both joined the famous Conjunto Atlântico beginning in 1955, participating in several choro programs at the state-run TV Cultura in São Paulo. In 1970 they formed Isaías e seus Chorões, as mentioned. The ensemble soon became São Paulo's most important choro group.

Isaías e seus Chorões has accompanied Elizeth Cardoso, Paulinho da Viola, Altamiro Carrilho, Sílvio Caldas, Nelson Gonçalves, and Arthur Moreira Lima, among others. The group also participated in important historic events such as a celebration of Waldir Azevedo's career at the Municipal Theater of São Paulo.

"Pé na Cadeira" (Kuarup, KCD122, iss.1999) is a representative album by Isaías e seus Chorões. - Tracklist inserted below:
1) Sofres Porque Queres (Pixinguinha/ Benedito Lacerda); 2) Fricotes de viúva (Amador Pinho); 3) Choro Triste Nº 2 (Garoto); 4) Salomé (Callado); 5) Valsa do Além (Mario Moretti Filho); 6) Tão Só (Isaias); 7) Pé na cadeira (Viché); 8) Músicos e Poetas (Sivuca);9) A César o que é de César (Bonfiglio de Oliveira); 10) Soros (Israel Bueno de Almeida); 11) Carnaval duvidoso (Carramona); 12) Cuidado com Ele (Nelson Alves)
I found a video of a live-performance by Isaías e seus Chorões from 2005, here playing "Lamentos" by Pixinguinha - hope you to enjoy!
